Social Media: How to use Facebook

Using Facebook to help promote SAA Events

You can help by liking and sharing the posts. We know you feel like you are bugging all your friends/family if you do it too much - so if you don't want to do it every time we post, pick a few a week to like and share. Commenting also helps people see the posts. Each app works a little different. Going to try and explain the best way to help. If you have any questions, please ask and we will try to answer.

We a little over 700 people following our Facebook page and would like to grow that number to reach a wider audience for our events. Here is where you can help.

Make sure you are following SAA

  1. Click on the Facebook link

  2. You will see a “Follow” button right below the header. If you are not already following, click the button

Share the Holiday Market Event Page

  1. If there is an event page, invite people to the "event" page or share it on your feed

  2. Click on the event page: Holiday Market 2020 Event Page

  3. Click on “Interest” and select Interested or Going

4. If you have a business page, you can add it to your page. You should see a drop-down with your page listed

Things to do when you see an SAA post

  1. Like the post

  2. Comment on the post (the more activity we get the more likely the post will be seen by others)

  3. Share the post on your feed with or without saying anything. I do think (but I have no facts to back it up) that your friends are more likely to read the post on your feed if you say something when you share it.

  • Click on the “share” button

  • Either select “Share now” - which will be without a comment or “Share” which gives you the option to comment on the picture before sharing

4. Share the post to your stories - this is a good option if you don’t want to put things in your feed every day.

  • Click on the “share” button

  • This will bring up a menu. You can either select “Share to your story now” or “Share to your story” where you can also make a commen