**The Application Deadline is Monday, September 30**

The Sudbury Art Association holiday market Pop-up is:

A truly unique cooperative artist event for our members to sell their work. Our artists work hard (some year round) to create the most wonderful and festive pop-up shop for the holiday season. HM runs from sometime in November through December 24. HM is run like a store NOT an art fair; each artist works a number of shifts to keep the store running instead of manning a booth for hours on end. This juried event has been happening yearly since 2012 thanks to the generosity of Sudbury retail owners willing to provide us with a location. Although it’s never happened, we never know if we’ll find space; we’re never sure if it’ll happen or when available space will be open for us to use. With that in mind, artists need to be flexible, ready to setup at a moments notice, and agree to follow rules set forth by the landlord.

Changes This Year:

  1. Due to our growing size, we will most likely need to pay a more sizable rent. Like last year, there will be a $100 non-refundable application fee that will be applied toward your total participation cost with an estimated $225 -250 total fee. In the unprecedented event we are unable to secure a space, everyone will be refunded in total. (You will also be refunded if the jury does not accept your application.)

  2. Participants MUST be amenable to display feedback by HM committee members. We would like Holiday Market to look professional and with an easy flow for our customers.

If you have questions, read through the application and check out our FAQ Page Here. We will be answering questions at the October 21 (moved due to Columbus day holiday) SAA monthly member meeting. If you have questions prior or after the meeting: email us here.

What to expect upon and after acceptance

  1. Balance due (assuming we have the space and an estimate of costs)

  2. An email asking for date preferences for mandatory in-person meeting

  3. Jobs sign up link. Learn more: Jobs Page Here

  4. Shift sign up link

  5. Optional but beneficial: We feature all of our artists at some point during the Holiday Market on our social media. We have found videos work best! If you would like to submit a video, be sure to do so before we start promoting artists at the beginning of the Holiday Market. Please make it shorter than 1 minute. Don’t stress! This can be about your studio, yourself and how you got into your art, a demo of you making something. It can be a series of pictures showing your process or a video of you at work. Get creative. For those on iPhones there are iMovie instructions here: iMovie Instructions

  6. Gathering at the store. This takes place the night before opening day. We go around to each display and the artist of each gives a quick 2 minute intro to their work. The more we know about each other’s art, the better we can answer customer questions. We also go over any last minute info. This is a VERY IMPORTANT meeting to attend.


HOLIDAY MARKET APPLICATION ——————————————————— Due Mon, Sept 30

Prior to beginning have ready:

  1. a short bio written in the 3rd person (no more than 3-5 sentences),

  2. a form of payment,

  3. 4 photos of samples of your art, 1 photo of your display or mock display, 1 action photo of you doing your craft (can be just hands if you wish). Please send clear pictures since these may be used for social media and advertising.

3 Step Application Process:

  1. READ, fill out and submit the form below

  2. Pay the application fee ($100) due at this time

  3. You will be directed to DropBox automatically after payment. Depending on how you pay, you may need to click “return to merchant” or something like that.

    This agreement must be completed in order for your application to be considered.

    please read thoughtfully